Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for April 27 2024.
PANEL ONE: Erlak faces the champion in the Bar of Soup. ERLAK: All right, all right, if you really want to go I guess I'll send you back. CHAMPION: Yes. Thank you. PANEL TWO: The champion becomes transparent, indicating that he's disappearing. The bar behind him fades out, replaced by a forest scene. ERLAK: So, uh, see you later, I guess? PANEL THREE: The champion comes across Maiz, buried in the ground up to his neck and smiling, his clothes lying next to him. Nezhoni also stands nearby. MAIZ: Hi! CHAMPION: Okay, do I want to know what's been going on here? NEZHONI: Probably not, no.
April 27 2024

So to nobody's surprise, least of all mine, I did not get any new strips drawn yesterday. As I said, I've been working a lot the last few weeks and was feeling pretty badly sleep deprived, so while I did finally have yesterday off I, well, I kind of... slept in pretty late. Which I think I may have needed, but it still didn't do wonders for my productivity. (And after finally getting up I spend a couple of hours working out, which is another thing I hadn't been doing lately, what with having so many early call times. I've never been in any sense remotely athletic, but I do want to get in better shape, or at least avoid getting into significantly worse shape.)

But! I do have one piece of good news. That last June 2 strip for which the original Adobe Illustrator file was missing? I found it! And when I say I found it, I mean it was apparently right there in the same directory with all the other strips all along, and I'm not sure why I ever thought it was missing in the first place. My best guess is that maybe I got confused by the fact that the date had been changed due to the leap year issue, but... I don't know. I'm just... really stupid, I guess.

Wait no never mind; false alarm; or false... whatever the opposite of alarm is, I guess, since an alarm implies something bad and finding the strip would have been a good thing. I just realized I had gotten confused by the date change, but in the sense that I had forgotten which strip was actually missing—it wasn't the strip that was originally dated June 3 and now would be dated June 2; it was the strip that was originally dated June 2 but now would be dated June 1. And that one is, alas, still missing. Although on the plus side, it turns out it's a Saturday strip, not a Sunday strip, so if I do end up having to redraw it it won't be as much work. Oh well. Like I said, I'm stupid.