Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for April 26 2024.
PANEL ONE: Angle on Erlak, with the champion in the foreground in front of him. ERLAK: So, what do you think? Are you glad I brought you here now? PANEL TWO: Side angle on the champion and Erlak CHAMPION: And what happens if I say no? ERLAK: Then I'll keep you here until you say yes! PANEL THREE: Angle on the champion, with Erlak pointing at him in the foreground. CHAMPION: So you're going to try to get on my good side by HOLDING ME AGAINST MY WILL. ERLAK: You got it!
April 26 2024

So, like I said, work has been very heavy the last couple weeks and I haven't been getting much sleep, let alone getting time to work on the comic. But! Today, for the first time in, well, a while, I have a day off, with no work and no other commitments. Which means I have a day I can finally get the backgrounds done in that December 17 strip, and, I hope, actually finally draw some new strips! Will I? That remains to be seen. But I can. In theory. And one can hope I'll manage to overcome my executive dysfunction and actually do so.