Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for August 29 2023.
PANEL ONE: An adventure stands in a sandy landscape. ADVENTURER: And what god are you, that comes to offer himself as my divine patron? PANEL TWO: Close on Erlak, god of soup. ERLAK: Behold, I am Erlak, God of Mmrrffblrg. (The lettering trails off at the end.) PANEL THREE: We see the adventurer facing Erlak, the latter floating slightly above the ground. ADVENTURER: You kind of mumbled that last part. ERLAK: I distinctly said I was the god of mmrrffblrf.
August 29 2023

Sorry; I still haven't really made any progress the last few days in implementing the archive, or the cast page, or making the site work on mobile devices, or doing any of the other things that still need to be done for the site's code. I did, at least, get a bit ahead on relettering the strips, and I've got all the strips through September 1 updated and uploaded. (I stopped there for now only because the September 2 strip introduces another font I have to redo.)

(Are those supposed to be tiny cacti under Erlak's feet in the last panel? They look kind of like coral.)