Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for May 2 2024.
PANEL ONE: The champion, Maiz, and Nezhoni are getting ready for bed—Maiz is getting under a blanket, the champion is undressing, and Nezhoni is curling up. CHAMPION: Okay, I still don't know that I believe that story about the “Spider Goddess”, but it's pretty clear there's SOMETHING around here. Nezhoni, you and I are going to have to keep careful watch tonight. NEZHONI: Hmph. PANEL TWO: Different angle, with Nezhoni in the foreground. CHAMPION: I'll take first watch. When it's your turn, be sure to watch out for anything approaching me and Maiz. NEZHONI: Yeah, yeah, yeah. CHAMPION: I don't want something creeping up on us in our sleep and... PANEL THREE: Maiz points off to the side, where the backpack and saddlebags are missing. MAIZ: Uh... should somebody have been watching our stuff? CHAMPION: Oh, cripes.
May 2 2024

Okay, this is another of those unfortunately poorly conceived strips where I'm not sure it's at all obvious what's supposed to be going on, so, uh, I'll explain it in the commentary, I guess. In the last panel, Maiz is pointing toward the area where the saddlebags and supplies had been in the first panel. They're missing in the third, but because they were in the background of the first panel where there was nothing to call attention to them and they could easily go unnoticed, I'm not sure how apparent this is.

I guess maybe Maiz's question in the last panel could give enough of an indication of what's going on that the reader might take another look and notice that those objects are missing? But I really should have found a way to make it more obvious visually. I am not a highly skilled cartoonist. I am not a highly skilled anything.