Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for May 7 2024.
PANEL ONE: Erlak faces Lambor. ERLAK: Lambor, you've had a champion for a while— what does it mean that I can't sense my link with my champion? Is he dead? He's not dead, is he? No, wait... I'd know it if he was dead, because I'd have the chance to... do something with his soul, right? PANEL TWO: Close on Erlak. ERLAK: He didn't just quit, did he? Quit being my champion. Is that it? Can he do that? Just decide to quit? Have I been that bad a patron? PANEL THREE: Erlak puts his hand in front of his face to smell his breath. ERLAK: It's my breath, isn't it? Do I have okra breath? PANEL FOUR: Angle on Erlak with Lambor in the foreground. LAMBOR: Why would you have okra breath? ERLAK: I've been on kind of a gumbo kick lately...
May 7 2024

Wait... is gumbo a soup? It's a stew, but is a stew a soup? Is Erlak expanding his boundaries?

Waaaaay too much text in that first panel. But having way too much text is kind of a... recurring problem for me.