Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for May 8 2024.
PANEL ONE: Erlak puts his hands up to the sides of his head. ERLAK: I'm trying to scan the mortal world for my champion, but I can't even FIND him anywhere! PANEL TWO: Slightly wider angle; Lambor is visible in the foreground. ERLAK: Wait—I do see someone who was WITH him. Maybe if I bring his companion here, I can get some answers. PANEL THREE: Birds' eye view; Nezhoni appears behind Lambor. PANEL FOUR: Angle on Nezhoni, with Lambor and Erlak in the foreground. NEZHONI: Okay, there better be a real good reason why I'm here, or someone's losing a foot. LAMBOR: You realize we're all GODS here, right? ERLAK: Don't tell the rat that! God feet might be extra–tasty! ERLAK: I don't know. I've never tried them.
May 8 2024

Yeah, I know there was just a storyline a couple weeks ago about Erlak bringing a mortal character to the Bar of Soup. I... probably should have waited a little longer before having that happen again. Sorry.