Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for September 12 2023.
PANEL ONE: Erlak faces the adventurer. ERLAK: So, what is your name? ADVENTURER: I'll tell you if you just admit you don't know it. PANEL TWO: Close on Erlak, standing with his arms folded. ERLAK: Of course I know it. I told you, I'm just testing you. PANEL THREE: Now the adventurer has his arms folded. ADVENTURER: Sorry. I'm not buying it. ERLAK: Look, I know everything. I'm a god. I'm omnipotent. PANEL FOUR: Different angle. ADVENTURER: You mean omniscient. ERLAK: Whatever. Is it “Bob”? ADVENTURER: No.
September 12 2023

In the early strips, I seemed to like to draw characters crossing their arms a lot, and I was very bad at it. I guess it does take practice to get better... I just maybe should have practiced in places there were not the actual finished strip.