Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for September 21 2023.
PANEL ONE: The champion rides on the back of the rat. CHAMPION: I don't believe this. My divine patron promised me a mighty steed, and I end up with a rat. PANEL TWO: The rat turns its head to talk to the champion. RAT: This ain't exactly a picnic for me neither, bub. PANEL THREE: The champion stares forward in surprise. CHAMPION: A talking rat. RAT: And you're a talking moron, but you don't see me making a big deal out of it.
September 21 2023

Whoops. Whoops on two counts.

First, despite my having finally got around to implementing the admin interface so I could update the commentary (and the other text snippets corresponding to the strips), I... kind of neglected to put up this commentary (etc.) in advance. And when i say I didn't put it up in advance, I mean I didn't put it up until almost midnight of the day this strip ran.

Second, when I did go to update the strip, I also noticed a typo in the transcript of a past strip. (The August 26 strip, the transcript of which said that "Two adventurers (a man and a woman) stand in a round roo.") But when I tried to edit the transcript, I found that the interface didn't work for that. The interface was supposed to let me edit the text for past strips as well as put up the text for new ones, but I guess I hadn't tested whether that part worked, and, well, it didn't. Anyway, it took me way longer to figure out what was wrong than it should have—like I said before, my PHP is very rusty and was never that good in the first place, though the issue was technically a matter of MySQL syntax and not PHP, per se—but it's fixed now.