Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for September 11 2023.
PANEL ONE: Erlak faces the adventurer. ERLAK: So, my new champion, what is your name? ADVENTURER: Uh, shouldn't you already know that? PANEL TWO: Different angle on the same conversation. ERLAK: What do you mean? ADVENTURER: I mean, if you're a god, I'd expect you to know things like that. PANEL THREE: Close on Erlak ERLAK: Of course I know. I was just testing you. PANEL FOUR: The adventurer faces Erlak; reverse angle from the first panel ADVENTURER: You were testing me about my name. ERLAK: Yes. PANEL FIVE: Different angle. ADVENTURER: You gods think we mortals are pretty stupid, don't you? ERLAK: Well, I mean if you don't even know your own name...
September 11 2023

Okay, another thing I seem to have done a lot in the early strips that I fortunately got past was the weird... mouth-on-the-side thing. Like Erlak's mouth in the second panel. Mouths don't work like that. Anyway, like I said, I did stop doing this, though I'm not sure exactly when, so there may still be a few more sidemouths in upcoming strips.