Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for October 18 2023.
PANEL ONE: Poorly-drawn downward angle on Erlak, with the champion, still bound to the rack, in the foreground. ERLAK: Well, look, things may look dim right now, and, like I said, the god of evil is a powerful god... PANEL TWO: 3/4 view of hte champion, with Erlak in the foreground. ERLAK: But, hey, I'll have a chat with him, see what I can arrange. What's the worst that can happen? Wait—don't answer that. PANEL THREE: Top-down view on Erlak and the champion. ERLAK: Anyway, Xak'lar and I'll have a little god-to-god talk. Maybe over drinks or something. Well, no; I still don't really want to show my face at the bar... Well, I'll think of something. CHAMPION: Lovely. PANEL FOUR: Erlak looks back at the cloaked figures, one of whom is still holding the knife. ERLAK: Oh—but I guess first we'll have to try to talk these guys into not cutting your heart out until I get back... CHAMPION: Look, if you're not going to be able to save my life, could you at least scratch my nose before you leave? It's been itching like crazy all through their ceremony...
October 18 2023

Ugh, in the first panel, the weird wide birds-eye-view shoulders strike again. Why was I so horrible at drawing this angle? (Not that I'm great at it now, but I think I'm better than this.) On a possibly related note, why did I keep trying to draw this angle despite being so horrible at it? (Well, I guess maybe without practice I'd never get better.)