Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for October 11 2023.
PANEL ONE: The cloaked figures lead the champion and Nezhoni through a courtyard. CHAMPION: Where are you taking us? CLOAKED FIGURE: To our high priestess. PANEL TWO: They enter the castle. CHAMPION: And what's going to happen when we get there? CLOAKED FIGURE: You will be sacrificed. PANEL THREE: Back view as they go into a dark corridor. CHAMPION: And by "sacrificed", you mean... CLOAKED FIGURE: Your heart will be cut out from your body and your life taken as an offering to Xak'lar, god of evil. PANEL FOUR: Front view as they continue through the castle. CHAMPION: There really isn't any good news here, is there? CLOAKED FIGURE: Well, we pass the sacrificial knife through a flame during the ceremony, so you shouldn't find it uncomfortably cold.
October 11 2023

Okay, yikes, so what I said in the commentary to the October 5 strip about my having drawn Snormar too short relative to the mounted champion? Yeah, well, that's even more the case with these cultists. To be clear, the cultists aren't supposed to be, like, Jawas. They're supposed to be regular humans, of regular human height. I'm just bad at drawing.