Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for November 1 2023.
PANEL ONE: The champion and the giant rat Nezhoni approach a stablekeeper in a stable. STABLEKEEPER: Uh, look, I'm sorry, but I can't let you leave that thing in our stable. PANEL TWO: Closer on the stablekeeper and the champion. CHAMPION: Okay, okay, I'll pay extra. I've had to do that in every other stable we've been to so far. PANEL THREE: 3/4 front view of the stablekeeper and back view of the champion. STABLEKEEPER: No, look, it's not a matter of money. I just don't think I can let you leave that here. This stable is for the horses of the inn's guests. That's, um, not a horse. PANEL FOUR: 3/4 back view of the stablekeeper and front view of the champion. CHAMPION: What if I told you it was, in fact, just a very odd-looking horse? STABLEKEEPER: Well, then I would probably ask you just how stupid you thought I was.
November 1 2023

Whew! Today I finished relettering all the old strips that for which the Adobe Illustrator files are missing and I only have the bitmap files! (Assuming the December 1 strip is indeed the last one and there are no future missing strips I didn't notice.) That was a pain.

One thing that makes relettering these old bitmaps more difficult than it otherwise would have been is the fact that in the early strips I really tended to overcrowd dialogue balloons. The lettering in the original strips often goes up very close to—or even touching"the edges of the balloons. While this is obviously a bad thing in and of itself (and one of the reasons for the relettering, though not necessarily the biggest one—that would be the overall illegibility of the original font), it also makes the relettering more difficult, because of course before putting in the new lettering I have to remove or hide the old lettering.

But anyway that's all done now! Now it's just fixing the lettering in Adobe Illustrator files, which is way faster and easier! And then when I'm done with those it'll be time to make brand new strips! Which I said I was going to do one of this past week and I absolutely did not do that! This coming week for sure.