Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for October 16 2023.
PANEL ONE: The high priestess points at Erlak's champion as the other cloaked figures seize him. HIGH PRIESTESS: Take the prisoner and prepare him for sacrifice. CHAMPION: _Erlak!_ PANEL TWO: Nezhoni and the high priestess look on as the cloaked figures drag the champion away. NEZHONI: Well, been nice knowin' ya, bub. See ya round. PANEL THREE: The cloaked figures continue to drag the champion away. HIGH PRIESTESS: We'll sacrifice the rat, too. NEZHONI: Wow, you guys _are_ evil. CHAMPION: _Erlak!_
October 16 2023

You know, I don't make nearly as much use as I should of shading in the comic—or in my comics in general (I could say the same of my 24-hour comics). Yes, it's a black and white comic (except on Sundays), and the art is mostly linework, but the occasional black or gray shade pops nicely, as seen on the cultist's cloaks. This is a kind of thing I maybe ought to do more often.