Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for October 24 2023.
PANEL ONE: The champion raises his head. The high priestess is in the background, while a cloaked figure stands nearby. CHAMPION: No! No! Wait! I'm alive! I was just in shock there for a second. Did you say your god told you to let me go? HIGH PRIESTESS: Yes. PANEL TWO: Slightly closer view. CHAMPION: Really? HIGH PRIESTESS: Yes. PANEL THREE: Partially reverse angle. The high priestess is clenching her hand in frustration. CHAMPION: So you're going to set me free? HIGH PRIESTESS: Yes. PANEL FOUR: Rear view of the champion; we see the cloaked figure talking to the high priestess. CHAMPION: Really? CLOAKED FIGURE: You think maybe you can talk Xak'lar into changing his mind?
October 24 2023

Phew, well, that time-consuming project I wrote about in yesterday's commentary is finally done, so I can focus on other things. Including but not limited to Soup. Maybe I'll finally get around to getting the site fully working, implementing the cast and archive pages and making it mobile-friendly and so on. I mean, I'm clearly not going to do all of that at once, but I really ought to start getting some of that done.

I still haven't drawn any new strips yet, focusing on updating the old strips with new lettering and so on, but that's another thing I should have start doing soon. Sure, I have enough of the old strips to last through next June, and sure, relettering the old strips does take some time so it's not like I'm not doing anything for the site, but I don't want to keep putting off making new strips until I hit June and don't have a backlog built up. I'm going to set a goal to make at least one new strip this week. And then I am going to fail to meet that goal, because I never do anything right.