Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for November 24 2023.
PANEL ONE: The champion and Nezhoni stand outside the inn with Maiz. CHAMPION: Don't you have to go get your stuff? MAIZ: I've got everything. PANEL TWO: The champion looks down at Maiz. CHAMPION: Um... But you don't seem to have anything with you but your clothes. MAIZ: And this necklace. I found it in that imp-thing's lair. PANEL THREE Reverse angle - Maiz looks up at the champion. CHAMPION: Wait a minute—the same place you were tied to a pillar and about to become a human sacrifice? MAIZ: I guess so. PANEL FOUR: Close on the champion. CHAMPION: Why would you want to keep anything that could remind you of that? PANEL FIVE: Wider view of the champion and Maiz. MAIZ: 'Cause it's cool. CHAMPION: I suppose I should have anticipated that response.
November 24 2023

I feel like I had a lot of trouble trying to give Maiz proper child proportions. Then again, it's not like I had an easy time giving other characters proper adult proportions, either.

Anyway, I note that the background of the last panel of the previous strip was apparently copied into the last panel of this strip, so... maybe that's why I bothered drawing the whole background, because I anticipated I might need it for a future strip? Except even then I'm not sure why I wouldn't have just waited till I needed it, especially since it turns out the rightmost part wasn't reused. Oh well.