Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for November 21 2023.
PANEL ONE: Erlak's champion follows Trevalien through the inn. CHAMPION: I'm still not so sure this is a good idea. PANEL TWO: Closer side view on Trevalien and the champion. CHAMPION: The boy's already been captured and almost murdered by a demonic being, separated from his family; he's probably already fearful and miserable. PANEL THREE: They stop in front of a door; Trevalien's hand is on the doorknob. CHAMPION: ...And now we want to change his circumstnaces again, take him away from the only stability he's known since his kidnapping? How is he going to take that? Hasn't he been traumatized enough? PANEL FOUR: They enter the room. Maiz, a young boy, is kneeling on the floor playing with some objects in front of him. TREVALIEN: Maiz, this is the man I told you about. You'll be going with him now. MAIZ: Cool! PANEL FIVE: Close on the three of them. TREVALIEN: I think he'll be fine.
November 21 2023

Is Maiz's informal use of the word "cool" anachronistic... or, uh, anachthonistic? Eh... I clearly haven't been worrying about trying to make the characters' dialogue sound medieval or anything like that (Snormar's being a partial exception); I guess you can assume that either "cool", as Maiz uses it, is common in the world where Soup takes place (which after all isn't actually medieval Europe anyway), or it's a translation of some similarly used term there. Anyway, you're going to have to get used to it, because he's going to keep using it.