Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for November 20 2023.
PANEL ONE: Travelien is again standing, looking down on Erlak's champion. TREVALIEN: Don't worry. It's not like I'm trying to pawn some horrible brat off on you. You'll like Maiz. He's a good kid. PANEL TWO: The champion looks up at Trevalien dubiously. CHAMPION: Except when he's turning into a hideous ravening monster, of course. TREVALIEN: Er... well, yes. Not so much then, I suppose...
November 20 2023

Ah yes. The two-panel strip. Not quite as rare in my comics as the one-panel strip, but still rare. Still, I suppose it may be a welcome change of pace after the way too wordy comics that have made up most of the past week. Or maybe it would be, were this strip at all funny.