Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for November 23 2023.
PANEL ONE: The champion presents Maiz to Nezhoni outside the inn. CHAMPION: Nezhoni, this is Maiz. He'll be traveling with us for a while. PANEL TWO: Same angle, slightly closer CHAMPION: Maiz, this is Nezhoni, my, uh, steed. MAIZ: Cool. PANEL THREE: Pulled back, angle from behind Maiz. NEZHONI: Finally, someone who appreciates me. CHAMPION: Don't get too excited. He'd probably have said the same thing if you were a bubbling heap of purple slime. MAIZ: Yeah!
November 23 2023

So this is another strip I made some slight tweaks to (besides the lettering) because once again the champion's dialugue in the last panel was a weird blobby monstrosity, so I pared it down to a slightly less ridiculous shape. I thought I might need to draw in the part of the background that had been covered by the original balloon, but... no, it turns out the background was fully drawn, even the part hidden by the dialogue balloons. I'm not sure why; I thought usually I put in the dialogue balloons first and then only bothered drawing what wasn't hidden by then, but... apparently not this time, for whatever reason. Huh. If this background had been copies from another panel, I could understand it, but no, as far as I can tell it's shown from this angle only in this panel, so I don't know what I was thinking.

Granted, the perspective of that building on the far right is pretty bad, so maybe it would have been better off staying covered by the dialogue balloon...