Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for November 25 2023.
PANEL ONE: Erlak's champion rides the giant rat Nezhoni down the street, with Maiz holding on behind him. CHAMPION (addressing Nezhoni): You know, I might be able to call on Erlak to get another steed for Maiz so you don't have to carry us both. NEZHONI: DON'T YOU DARE! PANEL TWO: Front view of the champion and Nezhoni CHAMPION: Um... but I wouldn't think you'd _want_ to carry two people... NEZHONI: I don't... PANEL THREE: 3/4 rear view of the trio NEZHONI: ...but I also don't want to travel alongside an animate heap of bouillabaisse. CHAMPION: You know, you may have a point...
November 25 2023

I'm not altogether sure why I decided to try to give the rocks on the wall in the first panel shading when nothing else in the strip has any shading, but oh well.