Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for November 8 2023.
PANEL ONE: The bartender regards Erlak dubiously. BARTENDER: Hey, are you some kind of wizard or something? PANEL TWO: Erlak looks away nervously. ERLAK: What? No. No. I am an ordinary person. What makes you think I'm a wizard? BARTENDER: Well, you're floating about a half a foot off the ground. PANEL THREE: Erlak is now lower down. ERLAK: No I'm not. BARTENDER: You were when you came in. PANEL FOUR: Close on Erlak, looking nervous. ERLAK: Um... yes! Yes! I am a wizard. That's it. An ordinary mortal wizard. That is what I am. PANEL FIVE: Erlak pounds the bar with his fist. ERLAK: I'm a mortal wizard and I drink ale! BARTENDER: What else you been drinkin', exactly?
November 8 2023

One thing that bothers me a little about this strip is just how much lower Erlak is than the bartender in panel three. Erlak isn't supposed to be that short, nor is the bartender supposed to be especially tall. I guess it's possible the bartender is standing on an elevated surface behind the bar, but the explanation I prefer is that Erlak is overcompensating for his error by not only lowering himself to the ground but also bending his knees to get even lower. (Of course, the real explanation is that I hadn't drawn him as high as he should have been in previous panels if he was supposed to be floating six inches above the ground.)