Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for December 25 2023.
PANEL ONE: The champion and Maiz ride Nezhoni through a forest. CHAMPION: Okay, we're where the mayor told us to meet him, but I don't see anyone here. NEZHONI: I still say it's a trap. PANEL TWO: The champion dismounts and walks away from Nezhoni. CHAMPION: You stay here; I'm going to go look around. NEZHONI: I'm telling you, it's a— PANEL THREE: The champion falls into a pit that opens underneath him. CHAMPION: Aaaaaaah... PANEL FOUR: Maiz and Nezhoni stare at the pit. PANEL FIVE: Nezhoni turns back toward Maiz. NEZHONI: Well I'll be darned; it WAS a trap!
December 25 2023

That pit looks kind of small. Never mind, though; watch it change sizes repeatedly over the next few strips as a consequence of my artistic incompetence.