Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for January 2 2024.
(As in the previous strip, throughout all the panels of this strip, it's completely dark, but the characters (and the background of the pit interior) are drawn in faint outlines for the reader's benefit.) PANEL ONE: Close on the champion, speaking to the unseen Mysterious Voice. CHAMPION: So... anyway, I'm guessing you're not the mayor of Landorf. PANEL TWO: Closer on the champion's eyes. MYSTERIOUS VOICE (off panel above): Heh heh heh. Can the mayor of Landorf shoot fire from his eyes, speak with a voice to make the earth itself tremble, and shape the very stones to his desires? PANEL THREE: The champion looks up where the voice is coming from. PANEL FOUR: The champion speaks to the voice. CHAMPION: Well, I've never met the guy, but if I had to guess I'd say probably not. MYSTERIOUS VOICE: Actually, he can. I kinda wish I knew how he does it.
January 2 2024

If you're wondering what the Mayor of Landorf has to do with anything, see the strip from December 3. Should I have expected readers to remember a detail from almost a month ago? No, probably not.

By the way, as promised, now that I have a little more free time (not much, but a little), I did go ahead and get the next week's worth of strips done, and I'm going to try to keep at least a week ahead so there won't be any more late strips. (Of course, I do really have to get on drawing the new strips for when my backlog runs out, though...)