Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for January 6 2024.
PANEL ONE: Side view of Maiz and the champion catching up with Nezhoni in the forest. CHAMPION: HERE you are! Maiz and I get trapped in a pit, and you just walk away? NEZHONI: Not far ENOUGH away, apparently. PANEL TWO: Front view of the champion and Nezhoni as they talk to (or yell at) each other. Maiz stands behind the champion. CHAMPION: It took us forever to dig our way out of that pit after our captor was out of the way, and then we had to wander all over looking for YOU! NEZHONI: So you found the guy who set the trap for you, eh? So where is he now? PANEL THREE: Maiz lifts up his foot to show Nezhoni the black goo on his sole. MAIZ: Right here. NEZHONI: Uh... HUH.
January 6 2024

And so our story of the sinister trapmaster comes to an anticlimactic end.