Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for January 4 2024.
(Yet again, throughout all the panels of this strip, it's completely dark, but the characters (and the background of the pit interior) are drawn in faint outlines for the reader's benefit.) PANEL ONE: Maiz and the champion stand in the pit. CHAMPION: So what do you plan to do to us, anyway? MYSTERIOUS VOICE (off panel above): Oh, don't worry... I'm not going to KILL you. MYSTERIOUS VOICE (off panel above): If I'd wanted you dead, I would have made the pit more than TEN FEET DEEP. PANEL TWO: Close on the champion. MYSTERIOUS VOICE (off panel above): As for what I DO plan, you'll find out in good time... MYSTERIOUS VOICE (off panel above): First, I just have to wait until you fall asleep... or unconscious... you can't stay awake forever. MYSTERIOUS VOICE (off panel above): And i do have the power to stop any attempt you make to dig your way out... while I wait here at the top of the pit out of reach... PANEL THREE: Slightly less close on the champion. CHAMPION: Okay, let's see... the pit's ten feet deep... probably a good six inches of that is the thickness of the trapdoor... CHAMPION: ...I'm 5'9”... i can reach probably another foot and a half over my head... my sword blade’s a bit short of two and a half feet long... MYSTERIOUS VOICE (off panel above): I'm not sure I like where you're going with this.
January 4 2024

Welp. I am dumb. I thought I had uploaded the entire week's worth of strips, but, secure in the knowledge that the everything was all set up and should be automatically updating. Then last night I finally checked the site, and... oops. I'd accidentally saved the strip for January 2 with the filename 20230102 instead of 20240102, so it didn't show up, and I accidentally uploaded an unscaled version of the strip for yesterday, so it was showing up but was way too big, and... yeah. I think the rest of the week should be good now, but I'll have to be better about checking. And hopefully I'll get in the groove of the updates so I won't make mistakes like that again.

For the record, the outlines are only for the reader's benefit. It's supposed to be pitch black in there; the characters can't see anything. (Well, except maybe for the mysterious lurking at the top of the pit; who knows what he can do.) I guess I could have just made everything solid black, or gone with the old bit of the panel being solid black except for the characters' eyes, but eh, that seemed like a cop-out.