Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for January 7 2024.
PANEL ONE: The champion and Maiz approach Nezhoni. CHAMPION: Anyway, Nezhoni, I'm glad we found you again. NEZHONI: I'm not. PANEL TWO: The champion gets on Nezhoni's back. CHAMPION: Oh, come on, you've got to be at least a LITTLE happy to see us. NEZHONI: Why don't you try carrying ME around on your back for a while, and then tell me how happy YOU are? PANEL THREE: Maiz and the champion ride Nezhoni through the forest. MAIZ: So where are we going now? CHAMPION: I don't know. I was expecting to do some job for the Mayor of Landorf — now that that turned out not to be genuine, I don't have any specific plans. There's usually something going on by the borders of the Fiery Fens; let's go over there and see if anything turns up. PANEL FOUR: Closer on Maiz and the champion. MAIZ: Do you ever go back home? CHAMPION: I don't really HAVE a home, Maiz. PANEL FIVE: Slightly more frontal angle. MAIZ: Why not? CHAMPION: Well, it's a long story... I wanted to be an adventurer ever since I was a boy. But of course I always expected to have some sort of base, or at least a home town to return to. PANEL SIX: Close on the champion. CHAMPION: And for a while, that's how it went. I lived in the town of Dannerby, but I'd venture forth and do heroic deeds, or at least as heroic as I could manage. But then one day... well... PANEL SEVEN: The champion and Nezhoni, seeen from the front. CHAMPION: Actually, I'd rather not talk about it. NEZHONI: Sounds like someone's got a secret. PANEL EIGHT: The champion and Maiz both look down at Nezhoni. CHAMPION: Oh, yes? Well, I seem to recall you mentioning once something about your not always having been a giant talking rat. I don't think you ever clarified exactly what it is you used to be. MAIZ: Cool! Did you used to be human? NEZHONI: GODS, no! Don't insult me! PANEL NINE: Closer on Maiz and Nezhoni. MAIZ: What did you use to be? NEZHONI: Maybe I used to be someone who wouldn't bite the ears off kids who asked too many questions. PANEL TEN: Close on Maiz and the champion. CHAMPION: Leave Nezhoni alone, Maiz. I guess we're both entitled to have our secrets. MAIZ: I have a secret too. PANEL ELEVEN: SLightly closer. CHAMPION: Oh? MAIZ: Sometimes, every few months, I turn into a monster! PANEL TWELVE: Close on the champion. CHAMPION: Trevalien already told us about that. I don't think it counts as a secret. PANEL THIRTEEN: Wider view of Maiz, the champion, and Nezhoni. MAIZ: Yeah, but you don't know what kind of monster! NEZHONI: He's got you there, Bub. CHAMPION: No, and I'm not particularly looking forward to finding out, either.
January 7 2024

You might think that the champion's hints about his past refer to a detailed backstory that I have developed and that will become important at a later time. You would be wrong. There are some important future revelations I've planned in some detail, but this isn't one of them. Obviously this is going to come up again, Chekhov's gun and all, but it's more of something I've set up with the intention of working out the details later. I do have some vague ideas about the champion's past, but I haven't fully fleshed them out. I'm not sure why I'm explaining this. It really doesn't make me sound good.

(I do, on the other hand, know what Nezhoni used to be.)

Aargh, this was another strip where the font size changed significantly between panels. I wish I hadn't done that.