Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for January 5 2024.
(And one more time, just like the previous four strips, it's completely dark, but the characters (and the background of the pit interior) are drawn in faint outlines for the reader's benefit.) 1/5/2023 PANEL ONE: We look from slightly below eye level as the champion raises his sword toward the roof of the pit and Maiz looks on. (Well, faces his direction; it's dark so he can't actually see.) CHAMPION: I think I've scraped every inch of the ceiling now and haven't hit anything... but I haven't heard him for a while either. PANEL TWO: Close on the champion. CHAMPION: He may have left through some sort of escape tunnel, but based on what he said about waiting here to stop us from digging out I'd guess he's still hiding here somewhere... CHAMPION: ...he could be hanging on the wall somewhere... or maybe he's just huddling on the floor... waiting for me to stop.... PANEL THREE: The champion looks down at Maiz in surprise. MAIZ: I guess now might be a good time to tell you I think a while ago I stepped in something.
January 5 2024

Why the worm's eye view in panel one? I don't know. Why not?