Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for January 24 2024.
PANEL ONE: Close on the champion, DeVallon visible in the foreground. CHAMPION: But how did you manage to return as a ghost? Your thirst for vengeance can't have been THAT strong... PANEL TWO: Close on DeVallon. DEVALLON: How much do you know about orbs of souls? You may not be aware of this, but when an orb of souls is broken, all those who have recently died nearby rise as ghosts. PANEL THREE: Slightly wider on DeVallon. DEVALLON: You may recall that as I died, I knocked my orb of souls to the ground and it shattered... and so, here I am! PANEL FOUR: The champion and DeVallon still face each other. CHAMPION: Wow... kind of lucky for you you happened to knock it down as you died, then. DEVALLON: Luck had nothing to do with it, I assure you. It was all carefully planned. PANEL FIVE: DeVallon leans forward angrily. CHAMPION: SUUURE it was. DEVALLON: IT WAS PLANNED!
January 24 2024

The breaking of the orb of souls occurred in the September 9 strip. And if you're wondering whether this was planned at the time and whether that was intentionally included to set up DeVallon's return... yes, yes it was. Not everything in the comic is planned in advance, of course, but I do have at least some story points and revelations planned in advance, so I can put in some foreshadowing and preparation.

DeVallon looks way too young in the third panel. I am not a good artist.

Also, I am not sure what the heck the champion is supposed to be doing with his arms in the last panel.