Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for January 11 2024.
PANEL ONE: Erlak and Nizini are still sitting on the bench. ERLAK: I know... maybe I can kind of COMBINE our two areas of interest, and give her a bowl of GRAIN SOUP! NIZINI: Um... Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of a SECRET admirer? PANEL TWO: Close on Erlak. ERLAK: Well, okay, but I know... I'll put it in a REALLY FANCY BOWL! Then maybe she'll think the GOD OF BOWLS is her secret admirer! PANEL THREE: Angle on Erlak, with Nizini in the foreground. NIZINI: Um... I don't think there IS a god of bowls. ERLAK: EXACTLY MY POINT! PANEL FOUR: Erlak grins at Nizini. PANEL FIVE: Same angle as previous panel. NIZINI: Uh... You just said that in a desperate attempt to save face, didn't you? ERLAK: Pretty much, yeah.
January 11 2024

You may (or may not) have noticed that the copyright notice in the strip has changed, and now says 2003-2023 instead of 2001-2023. That's because....### As a matter of fact, it appears that's been true for some time; the last strip actually created in 2001 seems to have been... the December 2, 2000 strip, which was actually posted on December 31, 2001. Well dang. I suppose maybe at some point I should go back and correct the copyright notices on the intervening strips, but it's not a terribly high priority. Again, I don't know if the exact "starting year" on the copyright notice really matters that much, or whether a copyright notice expressed as a range like this is even really meaningful.