Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for January 13 2024.
PANEL ONE: Close on Erlak and Nizini on the bench. ERLAK: Please, Zeen, you have to find out what Conniff likes for me. NIZINI: Honestly, Erlak, I think this whole “secret admirer” thing is a bad idea. PANEL TWO: Nizini stands up. ERLAK: PLEASE, Zeen. I don't know what else to do. I need your help. NIZINI: All right, all right, fine, I'll do it. PANEL THREE: Close on Nizini looking back at Erlak. NIZINI: It's against my better judgment... PANEL FOUR: Nizini walks forward away from the bench. NIZINI: ...but it often seems to me that even my WORSE judgment is still better than yours. ERLAK: Yeah, that's probably true.
January 13 2024

Huh. Weird. For this strip the final version of the Adobe Illustrator file was missing, but I did have in process versions, including one that was basically complete except for the signature and the date. So I opened that file, placed the bitmap file in a new layer so I could trace the signature and date from it and try to get them to look as much like they originally did as possible, and then turned off the bitmap layer. (Why does it matter that the signature and date looked the same as in the strip's original run? It doesn't, really, but I wanted it to anyway.) Not that this is probably interesting to anyone, but I... didn't really have anything else to say about today's strip.

Oh, wait, that was also true of the strip for the 11th, but I didn't say anything out it in the commentary at the time because... I guess I had other things to say instead?