Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for January 3 2024.
(Once again, throughout all the panels of this strip, it's completely dark, but the characters (and the background of the pit interior) are drawn in faint outlines for the reader's benefit.) PANEL ONE: The champion looks up, speaking to the Mysterious Voice. CHAMPION: Okay, it sounds like your voice is coming from inside the pit... but to be above us inside the pit, you'd have to be either hanging from the ceiling or flying... and you'd also have to be very small. PANEL TWO: The champion continues to look up as the Mysterious Voice replies. MYSTERIOUS VOICE (off panel above): Oh, yes? Well, I may be small in stature, but I assure you in other respects I'm QUITE LARGE INDEED. PANEL THREE: The champion looks somewhat disgusted. Maiz looks a little shocked. PANEL FOUR: Maiz looks down toward his waist as the champion addresses the Mysterious Voice. CHAMPION: We really didn't need to hear that. MYSTERIOUS VOICE (off panel above): I meant in INTELLECT! Yeesh, you have sick minds! MYSTERIOUS VOICE (off panel above): Uh... not that I'm denying... you know... the other thing.
January 3 2024

Yes, they are assuming what you think they are assuming. I never said this comic was for kids.