Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for January 19 2024.
PANEL ONE: Erlak sits on the banch on the Mountains of the Gods as Nizini approaches. ERLAK: Hey, Zeen, you're back from the Dive Divine! So did you find out anything about what Conniff likes? PANEL TWO: Nizini begins to sit down next to Erlak. NIZINI: Yeah, actually. Apparently she's really into ceramic statuettes. PANEL THREE: Close on Erlak, raising a fist in excitement. ERLAK: Ceramic statuettes, eh? Then that's what I'll give her. In fact, I'll find her a ceramic statuette A HUNDRED FEET TALL! PANEL FOUR: Nizini sits next to a now pensive Erlak. ERLAK: Uh... wait... in that case would it still qualify as a statuETTE? NIZINI: Plus it would be a little hard to leave discreetly outside her door.
January 19 2024

Do... do the gods have doors? Do they actually have homes? They presumably don't need to sleep, and don't seem to have a lot of stuff (and could presumably conjure whatever they needed out of nothingness anyway, so I don't know if they'd really need homes. I don't think this is something I've ever addressed in the comic. Maybe eventually I will. I'll think about it.

As I've said on multiple occasions before, I'm resisting the impulse to make any changes or corrections to the original strips except the lettering, but this is another of those strips where something looked wrong enough that it really felt necessary. Namely, Erlak's mouth in the third panel was far too close to his chin, and it looked... weird. So I just moved it up a bit; it still doesn't look great, but it doesn't look quite as bad as it did before.