Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for January 18 2024.
PANEL ONE: Nizini faces the goddess Gantranis. NIZINI: Gantranis, you're a friend of Conniff, the grain goddess, right? GANTRANIS: Sure. What of it? PANEL TWO: Overhead view of Nizini and Gantranis sitting at a table. NIZINI: Well, I'm here on behalf of a friend who wanted to know, well, what kinds of things she likes. The sort of thing she might like as a gift. GANTRANIS: Why don't you just ask her directly? PANEL THREE: Angle on Gantranis; Nizini in the foreground. NIZINI: Well, if she knows the question is being asked, that kind of defeats the purpose. GANTRANIS: And what makes you think I won't tell her myself? PANEL FOUR: Wider view of Nizini and Gantranis sitting at a table. The table is full of empty glasses. NIZINI: Because at the rate you're drinking I doubt tomorrow you'll even remember I asked this question. GANTRANIS: You know, you've got a point there.
January 18 2024

So, in the middle of a week otherwise devoted to a small storyline about Nizini getting information about Conniff for Erlak, why did I just stick in a single strip (yesterday's) that was completely unrelated? I don't know. Because I'm stupid, I guess.