Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for January 20 2024.
PANEL ONE: Erlak and Nizini sit on the bench on the Mountains of the Gods. NIZINI: Erlak, I'm still really not convinced that giving a statuette to Conniff is a good idea. ERLAK: It's just the first step in my plan to win her heart. PANEL TWO: Angle on Erlak, Nizini in the foreground. NIZINI: You're already on bad terms with Thrumger. and you KNOW this will just exacerbate things. ERLAK: Not if neither Conniff nor Thrumger ever finds out I'm the one who gave it to her! PANEL THREE: Close on Nizini. NIZINI: Uh... so if she never finds out you gave it to her, HOW does this help you win her heart, exactly? PANEL FOUR: Erlak looks stunned, having apparently not thought of this. PANEL FIVE: Back view of Erlak and Nizini on the bench. ERLAK: Okay, there are a few details of the plan that still have to be worked out. NIZINI: I think maybe we need to review the definition of the word “Plan”.
January 20 2024

Gods' omniscience does not extend to the activities to other gods, apparently. Or, to judge from Erlak's general... Erlakness, to much of anything else, either.