Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for January 16 2024.
PANEL ONE: Nizini faces Drv'dxx across the bar. DRV'DXX: So, anyway, Nizini, what can I get for you? NIZINI: Nothing, thanks. That's not what I'm here for. PANEL TWO: Angle on Drv'dxx. DRV'DXX: Well, why are you here, then? I'm sure you didn't come here for the company. Heh heh heh heh heh... PANEL THREE: Sideview as Nizini looks at Drv'dxx, eyes narrowed. DRV'DXX: ...heh... PANEL FOUR: Angle on Nizini. NIZINI: Actually, in a way, I did... DRV'DXX: Oh, wow. I'd offer you a free drink, if they weren't already free. And if I didn't, you know, despise you all.
January 16 2024

That god in the background of the first panel does appear in some future strips—in fact, I think he may even have a line in a future strip, though I'm not 100% sure I'm recalling that correctly—but I don't think I ever gave him a name, or decided what he was the god of. Well, eh, maybe I will eventually, or maybe not; I never had plans for him to become a major character.

You know, while I gave Drv'dxx's speech font an overhaul to make it easier to read... I'm not sure it went far enough; I think it's still pretty hard to read, unfortunately. Easier than it was, sure, but that's a low bar to clear. Well, I guess Drv'dxx has an alien demonic voice that's hard for mortals to understand, so there's some justification for his font being hard to read. At least, that's the excuse I'm going to grab onto for now.