Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for December 6 2023.
PANEL ONE: Close on Tagaidin. TAGAIDIN: Well, that was a close one. Those monsters were tougher than I remembered. PANEL TWO: Front view close on Tagaidin and Erlak TAGAIDIN: That was an interesting tactic you used, though, splattering the creatures with split pea soup. ERLAK: I panicked. PANEL THREE: Side view close on Tagaidin and Erlak TAGAIDIN: You splatter things with split pea soup when you panic? ERLAK: Sometimes.
December 6 2023

Is that an eye on the end of the hilt of Tagaidin's sword? Yes; yes it is. Does that mean Tagaidin's sword is alive? Iunno. Maybe.