Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for December 11 2023.
PANEL ONE: The champion and Maiz ride Nezhoni, but a crowd of humanoid but nonhuman creatures crowd block their way. One of them points a sword at the champion. KORG #1: Travelers, halt! PANEL TWO: Close on the lead creature (a korg) KORG #1: Give us all your money and you die! PANEL THREE: Another korg to the leader's right speaks into his ear. KORG #2: Um... Isn't it supposed to be "Give us all your money OR you die"? PANEL FOUR: The robbers continue to discuss among themselves. KORG #1: But I thought after we got the money we were going to kill them anyway. KORG #3: Well, we are, but if we tell them that, they won't have any reason to give us their money! PANEL FIVE: Wide view of the robbers standing in front of the champion and Nezhoni. KORG #1: But couldn't we just take it from them after they're dead? CHAMPION: Uh... I think we'll be leaving now.
December 11 2023

Hm. I've mentioned before that in the early strips, the font size sometimes varied widely between strips, but I hadn't remembered that it varied this much between strips. Originally, in this strip, the font size varied from 19 point in panel four to 28 point in panel one, which is... kind of a big difference. Hm. Apparently consistency was not my biggest forte.