Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for December 13 2023.
PANEL ONE: The robbers still block the champion's way, the leader holding a sword to his face. CHAMPION: Who are you anyway? PANEL TWO: Close on the robber leader. KORG #1: We are korg! PANEL THREE: Slightly wider view, so we see the leader and the korg to his left. KORG #3: Korgs. KORG #1: What? KORG #3: The plural of "korg" is "korgs". PANEL FOUR: Now we see the leader and the korg to his left. KORG #1: Are you sure? Because I'm pretty sure it's "korg". KORG #3: I thought it was something more exotic, like "korgen". PANEL FIVE: Wide view of all the characters. KORG #3: "Korgen"? Where did you get "korgen"? KORG #1: I don't know any word that forms a plural like that. MORBOP: Maybe it's "korgi". KORG #2: "Korgi"? Why would it be "korgi"? PANEL SIX: Angle from behind the champion. KORG #1: We are one korg, along with several others. CHAMPION: I get the idea. KORG #5: Korgi? Isn't that a kind of dog?
December 13 2023

Okay, in reference to what I said in yesterday's commentary about the korg[s/en/i?] being basically orcs by another name and that I should have either just made them human or made them something more exotic... I guess this is the one strip that wouldn't have worked if they were human. Is it worth it? I don't know; I kind of like the strip, playing off the occasional random fantasy plural.

Although anyway I think maybe what I could still do to salvage the similarity of the korg[s/en/i?] to orcs is to maybe explore more about their life cycle and biology and have something about them that's truly weird. I'm not sure what. I have no specific plans for them at this stage. But maybe I can still make something interesting out of them eventually.