Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for December 18 2023.
PANEL ONE: The nobleman who sent the champion to get the Amulet of Ygraine speaks with his advisor, Jarum. NOBLEMAN: It's been two months since that evil ele– mental creature was, um, somehow unleashed upon the world. Have you found a way to recapture it yet? JARUM: No, Milord, but I have an idea. PANEL TWO: The nobleman fingers his mustache in thought. JARUM: That young man whom we sent to find the amulet for us... Perhaps in his search for the amulet, he also discovered something about its nature that could help us. NOBLEMAN: Hmm... Perhaps. But how could we contact him? PANEL THREE: Slightly wider view as the nobleman breaks into laughter. JARUM: I had an idea as to that as well, Milord. You'll recall that he mentioned that he had become a champion of the god of soup? NOBLEMAN: Ah, yes, I remember that! That was quite funny! Ha ha ha ha ha! PANEL FOUR: The nobleman continues laughing as Jarum stares at him. NOBLEMAN: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! HA hahahaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha — PANEL FIVE: The nobleman looks wide-eyed at Jarum. NOBLEMAN: Oh, wait... He was serious?
December 18 2023

So if you read yesterday's commentary, you may have noticed that I said I was going to make an update to the strip that afternoon, and that after doing so I was going to replace the second paragraph of the commentary, in which I said I was going to make the update. You may also have noticed that the second paragraph of the commentary was not, in fact, replaced. That's because I did not, in fact, get the strip updated that afternoon—nor, at the time I'm writing this commentary, has it been updated (though admittedly it's only been a few hours), nor is there much prospect of its being updated in the immediate future. Without going into too much detail, I am absolutely swamped right now, and I really have to prioritize what I most need to get done, and unfortunately given that I still haven't done anything to advertise the strip or bring in readers, making updates to an existing Soup strip can't really be a priority. At some point I do want to try to draw some readers to the strip, of course, and once there are people actually reading the strip I'm going to have to be a lot better about being on top of updates, and even if it doesn't matter that much right now if not everything is polished and up-to-date when nobody's reading this, I don't want to develop bad habits. Still... yeah, I have a ton of other things I'm behind schedule on right now, and unfortunately at the moment some of those other things do have to take priority. Still, I still do intend to add some better backgrounds to this strip when I get a chance (though it may not be for a few days at least), but when I do, I'm still not going to delete that second paragraph from yesterday's commentary now. I will leave it there forever as a testament to my failure.

And speaking of failure, yeesh, today's strip is another overdone and unoriginal "joke". Sorry; they can't all be gems. Though it would be nice if at least some were.