Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for December 26 2023.
PANEL ONE: Maiz and Nezhoni talk near the pit. MAIZ: We've got to get him out of the pit! Let's throw him a rope or something. NEZHONI: Nah, he's probably dead anyway. PANEL TWO: Different angle on the conversation. MAIZ: No he's not. He's just trapped. NEZHONI: Hey, we don't know how deep the pit is. PANEL THREE: Maiz picks up a rock from the ground. MAIZ: I'll throw in a rock to find out. PANEL FOUR: Maiz throws the rock into the pit. PANEL FIVE: Maiz looks over to Nezhoni as the champion's voice comes from the pit. CHAMPION (off panel): OW! PANEL SIX: Back to the wide shot of Maiz and Nezhoni. MAIZ: Well, he's not dead. NEZHONI: Let's throw another rock to make sure. CHAMPION (off panel): You guys couldn't have just looked in here?
December 26 2023

Eh... I feel like the champion's line in the last panel is unnecessary and kind of takes away from the gag. Oh well.