Soup the Comic Strip by Alun Clewe
Comic strip for December 15 2023.
PANEL ONE: The korg leader and his companions still block the path of the champion, Nezhoni, and Maiz. Maiz leans out to talk to the korg leader. MAIZ: Uh... We don't have our money with us right now. You'll have to let us go so we can lead you to it. PANEL TWO: Close on the korg leader. KORG #1: _What!?_ Do you really think we're so stupid we would fall for so obvious a trick? We should kill you right now... I mean, instead of a few minutes from now, like we were going to. PANEL THREE: Angle from behind the champion. CHAMPION: Okay, okay, you're right; that wasn't a very good trick. KORG #1: Ha! So you admit it was a trick! PANEL FOUR: The korg to the leader's right leans over to talk to him. KORG #3: But wait! If they were trying to trick us, why would they admit it? KORG #1: You're right! Unless... PANEL FIVE: Extreme close-up on the korg leader. KORG #1: _It wasn't really a trick at all!_ PANEL SIX: The korg leader turns back to the champion. KORG #1: You will lead us to your money now. CHAMPION: Um... okaaaay...
December 15 2023

Aargh, once again I didn't get this commentary posted until the evening of the day the comic went up. I do have something of an excuse, in that I've been kind of ill lately and ended up, well, staying in bed for almost twenty-four hours straight trying to recover. On the other hand, I don't have a good excuse for repeatedly waiting until the day before to get the commentaries up and not putting them up further in advance. Sorry.

Enjoy the extreme close-up of a korg's face I decided to draw for some reason!

I'm not sure why the korg went cross-eyed in the closeup, except for the obvious explanation that I can't draw.